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Course Rotation

Course Rotation Schedule

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers a number of courses on various concepts and specializations.  The master’s program differs from the PhD program in credits and amount of classes needed.  The chart below discusses required, core, and thesis or dissertation classes.

Direct any questions about coursework to the Graduate Coordinator or Graduate Program Administrator.

514Inorganic ChemistryFF
518Instrumental Analysis (Lecture)F, WF
523Instrumental Analysis/LaboratoryWW
552Advanced Organic ChemistryFF
553Advanced Organic ChemistryWW
555Organic Spectroscopic IdentificationFF
561Chemical Thermodynamics
563Reaction Kinetics - on demand
565Intro to Quantum ChemistryF
567Statistical MechanicsWW
569Fundamentals of Spectroscopy -every other year
571Polymer and Materials Chemistry
575X-Ray DiffractionFW
581Advanced Biochemical Methodology 1FF
583Advanced Biochemical Methodology 2FF
584Biochemistry Laboratory/ProteinsWW
586Biochemistry Laboratory/Nucleic AcidsWW
596RElectronic Structure and Molecular ModelingF
594RGeneral SeminarF, WF, W
601Chemical Handling and Safe Lab PracticesWW
619RChemistry of the Transition Elements
629RMass Spectrometric Methods of AnalysisW
629RSeparation Methods of Analysis
629RSpectroscopic Methods of Analysis
655Advanced Techniques in Nuclear Resonance
659ROrganometallic ChemistryW
659RBioorganic ChemistryW
659RNatural Products SynthesisF
659RAdvanced Topics Org & Biomolecular ChemistryW
669RQuantum Chemistry
689R*Biochemistry of Cell Function
689R*Cellular Signal TransductionF
689R*Structural Biochemistry (489R OK by petition)
689R*Molecular Biology of CancerF
689R*Bioinorganic Chemistry
692RCurrent TopicsF, WF, W
694Scientific Writing & Professional EthicsWF
697RGraduate ResearchF, W, Sp, SuF, W, Sp, Su
699RGraduate Thesis/DissertationF, W, Sp, SuF, W, Sp, Su
729RSelected Topics in Analytical Chemistry
729RExperimental Design
729RAtmospheric Chemistry
729RSurface Chemistry and Analysis
769RSelected Topics in Physical Chemistry