Admissions Criteria
Applications are due January 14
Aplicaciones deben presentarse antes del 14 de enero

Admissions Requirements
- Graduation with a recognized four-year degree
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (Incoming graduate students with a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.7 or higher will receive a $1,000 fellowship upon enrollment, recognizing their academic excellence.)
- Ecclesiastical Endorsement
- International students: English proficiency exam
- Letters of Recommendation (LOR)
- RIVS Video Interview
- Statement of Intent
- Transcript
Requisitos de Admisión
· Graduación con licenciatura/ingeniería reconocida.
· Promedio mínimo de 8.0 (3.0 GPA)
· Recomendación eclesiástica
· Estudiantes internacionales: Examen de dominio de Ingles.
· Cartas de recomendación
· RIVS Entrevista por video
· Declaración de interés/intención
· Traducciones
- Application fee waiver request
- deadline December 20
- Application must be COMPLETE
- Requirements must be met
- contact Alena Allred to request a fee waiver. The request must be received on or before December 20
- For those who submit the application and pay the application fee, fees cannot be reimbursed.
- Exención de tarifa por aplicación
- Fecha límite 20 de diciembre.
- Tener la aplicación COMPLETA
- Debe cumplir los requisitos
- Contactar Allena Allred ( para pedir la exención de pago hasta el 20 de diciembre
- No hay reembolso para aquellos que apliquen y paguen la tarifa de aplicación.
Undergraduate Degree Requirements:
Hold the equivalent of a 4-year US accredited baccalaureate degree in chemistry or biochemistry (or a closely related field).
Earn an undergraduate GPA greater than 3.0/4.0 (the average for those admitted is 3.4/4.0).
Prospective Chemistry Department graduate student applicants are strongly encouraged to major in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, molecular biology, or a similar field. If a student majorsed in different discipline, we recommend that the student entering the program have a combination of the following classes:
- One year of general chemistry (with lab)
- One year of organic chemistry (with lab)
- One semester of physical chemistry
- One semester of biochemistry
- One semester of inorganic chemistry
- One semester of chemical analysis or analytical chemistry
- Optional: Cell biology and genetics
Ecclesiastical Endorsement:
Prospective students should be aware of the Honor Code
Applicants who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints need to complete an ecclesiastical endorsement interview with their local bishop and stake president. Currently enrolled BYU students and full-time BYU employees must also complete a new ecclesiastical endorsement with both their bishop and a member of their stake presidency.
Applicants who are not members of the Church will need to complete an ecclesiastical endorsement interview with their local religious leader and a phone interview with the BYU Chaplain. Please carefully read the BYU Honor Code prior to your interview.
As a student, you will also have an annual interview with a leader of the LDS Church, the campus chaplain, or your own local clergy member to ensure compliance with the Honor Code.
To complete an Ecclesiastical Endorsement, go to
English Proficiency (international students):
Generally, all applicants are required to demonstrate an acceptable level of English language proficiency in order to satisfy the university requirements for graduate admission. Only applicants who are citizens of the United States, Canada, the U.K., the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, or Australia (or those applicants who have received their bachelor's degree or higher, from said countries, within the previous 24 months of the intended start date of their respective graduate program) are 'exempt' from this requirement. To view exemptions, click here
All other applicants are either required to 1) obtain the required minimum English language proficiency scores for the GATEWAY, IELTS, or TOEFL tests; or 2) obtain an English language proficiency 'waiver' from their respective Graduate Program, in order to be eligible for graduate admission. More information on these exams can be found here.
Minimum Scores on English Proficiency Tests
- GATEWAY (previously E3PT)
- An overall minimum score of 495 (with minimum speaking and listening scores of 455, and a minimum reading and writing score of 425).
- Receive a 25% discount by entering the code "GOFORTHTOSERVE"
- An overall minimum band score of 7.0 (consisting of minimum band scores of 6.0 in each module).
- TOEFL (paper-based test)
- 580
- TOEFL iBT (internet based test)
- Minimum subscores of 22 (Speaking) and 21 (Listening, Reading, & Writing respectively) comprising an overall score of at least 85.
Letters of Recommendation:
- 3 letters are required
- Letters should be written by professors or professional acquaintances who can evaluate the applicant's potential as a graduate student at BYU.
- Letters of recommendation must be uploaded via the application system well in advance of the applicable application deadline.
- Electronic reminders to submit letters can be sent to recommenders by the applicant directly through their application portal.
Below is information you can provide to your recommender in regard to the letter:
We ask recommenders to address the qualities (listed below) in your letter of recommendation. This list is a basis for predicting how a student will be successful in our graduate program. Please comment on any particular examples of unique strengths or possible weaknesses.
Research Competencies and Social Skills
- Resilience and adaptability
- Troubleshooting a problem
- Ownership and independence on tasks
- Ethical responsibility to self and others
- Ability to perform self-evaluation
- Management of workflow for self and others
- Provide an accurate assessment of the applicant's suitability and skills for graduate school rather than advocate for the applicant.
- Briefly explain how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant.
Statement of Intent:
Chemistry and Biochemistry Applicants:
Format: One-page, single spaced, 12-pt font - Calibri, Ariel, or Times New Roman.
Please address the following questions in your Statement of Intent:
- What are your research interests and what biochemistry/chemistry tools and techniques seem most interesting to apply to these types of problems?
- What experiences in life have contributed to your interest in entering graduate school in chemistry/biochemistry?
- The mission of BYU is to lift, serve, and enrich the world. How do your plans for your graduate degree and/or career help fulfill that mission?
- Working as a teaching assistant in the instruction of undergraduate students in chemistry is important to the mission of BYU. As such, we expect you to be an expert in the material and in your teaching methods as you are integral to the quality of the instruction. State two ways in which you are prepared to be a strong teaching assistant at BYU.
Our department requires a specific layout for applicant resumes. Please see the template and completed example below.
Upload unofficial copies of all transcripts to your application. Official transcripts will be required after a recommendation for admission. Expediency in having the official transcripts sent to BYU upon notice of being recommended for admission is important. Admission will not be complete until official transcripts are received and verified. More information can be found here
InterviewStream Video Interview:
After submitting your text application, the applicant will receive an email with detailed instructions about a video interview. The department uses a company known as InterviewStream to collect the video interview.
**Graduate program applications will not be considered by the department until the InterviewStream interview is completed.**